Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Wonder Years

Haydenisms: "lasterday" as in "lasterday we went to the park. "comeovers"= guests. "nordobs"= doornobs. A couple of our favorite recent quotes, "I want to be mud for Halloween mommy!" Upon seeing a rainbow, "Mommy, can I slide down it?" Hayden is quite the creative one, making forts and "nests" every day. Noah started walking a couple weeks ago and is now Hayden's partner in crime. They can destroy the house in five minutes flat. He loves knocking things over- to his big brother's dismay. Noah outeats his brother at most meals. They both are curious to the core and love to explore their world. Yes, these are the wonder years, the times that I try so hard to soak up. Everyone agrees that this sweet time goes by so fast, but I won't lie- there are some things I won't miss!

1 comment:

  1. I almost cried reading the story again.
    Soooo thankful too for God's faithful care of Noah through it all. We know God has great plans for both of those boys.

    Oh how blessed we are to have them.

    MOM for US
